
Doe Program Managfement

Doe Program Management Templates

Contains resources and information that may be useful for Federal Project Directors, HQ Program Managers, senior SC management, or contractor project management. The National Nuclear Security Administration within the Department of Energy is in charge of DOE's nuclear security missions. How well is it managing this crucial. The Department of Energy's (DOE) and its National Nuclear Security Administration's (NNSA) cost estimating requirements and guidance for projects and programs do not. While the DOE project management system relies on a unique arrangement of deliverables. Patch Commandos 2 1.20 more. DOE O 413.3B: Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital.

The National Nuclear Security Administration within the Department of Energy is in charge of DOE's nuclear security missions. How well is it managing this crucial responsibility? We found that DOE and NNSA lacked policies regarding assigning responsibility, delegating authority, and establishing expectations of competence for program managers. They had also not established training programs for their program managers. Addressing these gaps would help NNSA better achieve its critical missions and goals, and better maintain a cadre of professional, effective program managers.

We to address these shortcomings. Picture of the Department of Energy building. What GAO Found The Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) have not established policies addressing internal control standards and leading practices related to program management. There are no federal government-wide standards specifically addressing program management. Aac Codec He. However, federal internal control standards include principles that are relevant to key roles such as program managers, and the Project Management Institute (PMI) has established a standard on program management that is generally recognized as a leading practice for most programs. Specifically, internal control standards state that management should assign responsibilities, delegate authority, and establish expectations of competence for key roles such as program managers.