
X Com Tftd Patch 2.1

X Com Tftd Patch 2.1X Com Tftd Patch 2.1

Well, the decision to release this mod came rather abruptly so It does not even have a real name yet. Niculinux and davide forced me to release my personal TFTD mod, which was never intended to be shown to the public. BUT as I did not want to release anything (even unofficially) without giving people their deserved credits, I opted to make it a public release. Especially after I invested over a hour trying to track back all the makers of the mods I used. About the credits: I know/feel that thy are not entirely complete despite my best efforts and I know I did not ask anyone for permission beforehand, so if you think I forgot anything and or you don't want me to release something from you, tell me so please.

What's new in this patch in particular? Oct 2, 2013 @ 9:24pm. Trying to Record TFTD on fraps, but for some reason it doesn't work. How to determine my TFTD version and how to apply patch? Can I use the TFTD 2.1 patch on my DOS. XCOMUFO & Xenocide. Love the music and modifications, but.

I will honor your rights, no matter what. That said, here the readme, it also can be downloaded below: 'My_TFTD_Mod' v.1.02 16th September 2016 This is a complete rework of TFTD, be aware of that and don't expect to play it like you would normally play TFTD. Manual Microondas Bgh 220d20download Free Software Programs Online more.

READ the NEW Ufopaedia entries. This goes for ALL entries, they all have been redone.

Some more, some less. READ THEM or you will maybe wonder what is happening. Only US-English fwiw. This mod is meant to be a starting point for other modders to make their own TFTD mods, just use what you like and delete the things you don't like. There are some cross-references in the files and the folder structure is not fully optimized, but It works rather well. It was originally a personal mod and was not meant to be released, but I had to find some way to host all my dozens of TFTD resources in a way that beginner modders could use.

Davide and Niculinux then gave me the required push to do so. Recommended Options: Use the nightly exes (openxcom_git_master_2016_.zip and newer), no Extended exe or 1.0 release. Do not use ufoextender accuracy unless you are completely masochistic.

Use the fixed starting base layout, it is optimal, really. That and I made some changes which that option disables (no containment etc). Everything else is optional.

----------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, here a brief overview, a detailed list is impossible to do. The mod is mostly done now, except for bug-fixes. Feel free to snoop through the RUL files, it saves me from describing every change.

----------------------------------------------------------------- New weapons, new aliens, new USOs, new crafts, new graphics, new sounds, new equipment, new buildings, new terrains, new maps and a complete rework of the core game. I still tried to stay as close to the original TFTD feeling as much as possible, but also tried to make it more flexible and interesting. Of course not all that was done by myself.

See CREDITS section below the long text-block. ----------------------------------------------------------------- More details: ----------------------------------------------------------------- All weapons+tanks work on land and underwater. Alien bases and artifact sites (both level 2) are smaller. The TFTD combo-patch has been applied. I added a new shader (dot-n-bloom-sharpened), i use it, but it might not be your taste. All skills are capped at 100 or lower, no more e.g.

Stupid 120% accuracy. L.a County Jail Early Release Program here. All weapons have adjusted accordingly, i made this to ease balancing. Most things (aliens, weapons, crafts etc) have been renamed, their role changed and or have been rebalanced. And I mean that. READ THE UFOPAEDIA ENTRIES.

Dart pistols have 5 auto-shots, gauss 4, sonic 3 btw. Most item graphics have been redone. Many other graphics, too (UI, terrains, aliens, weapons). Aliens do have a more logical weapon load-out now. I especially made e.g. The Disruptor Launcher and Stun Launcher one-handed to allow the aliens to use them along with drills (so they get no accuracy penalty).

Things like that. They all have inventory screens (when controllable) All Aliens now have a melee attack, some stun, some zombify, some poison.

(not usable by the player ) The PSI system has been COMPLETELY redone, Aliens have better defenses, some are immune, so PSI is not all you need. Your soldier Psi skills now have lower caps.

Psi is still good. I added a lot of new aliens, alien variants and alien colors. They will however (with the Exception of the shark-like carchorodons) not appear as full races, but they will appear in rare cases ALONG the normal races.