
Co2 Prophet Software


Enhanced Oil Recovery, Applying a Mature Technology..using carbon dioxide. •CO2-PROPHET: software developed.

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• The Journal maintains a site containing program code that has been published in the journal, Computers & Geosciences.

• CO 2 Prophet: Water and CO 2 Flood Prediction Software. CO 2 Prophet, conceived by Texaco Exploration and Production Technology Department (EPTD), was partially developed as part of the DOE Class I cost share program 'Post Waterflood, CO 2 Flood in a Light Oil, Fluvial Dominated Deltaic Reservoir' under DOE Contract No. Windows XP compatiable version has been updated, see historical READ ME FIRST file and READ ME SECOND file before operation. The DOE does not provide technical support for this application. Sibelius Sound Essentials there. 973 KB User's Manual and Readme files included • Fuzzy Expert Exploration Tool (Fee): Incomplete or sparse information on types of data such as geologic or formation characteristics introduces a high level of risk for oil exploration and development projects.

'Expert' systems developed and used in several disciplines and industries have demonstrated beneficial results. A state-of-the-art exploration 'expert' tool, relying on a computerized database and computer maps generated by neural networks, is being developed through the use of 'fuzzy' logic, a relatively new mathematical treatment of imprecise or non-explicit parameters and values. Oil prospecting risk can be reduced with the use of a properly developed and validated 'Fuzzy Expert Exploration (FEE) Tool.' The Fuzzy Expert Exploration Tool will eventually be generalized so that users in any part of the world will be able to add their own knowledge and data and make rapid evaluations of a large number of potential drilling sites in a systematic and consistent manner via the internet. Below are links to install standalone systems for the Delaware Basin specific FEE Tool and the Devonian specific FEE Tool. Manual Quemador Wayne Hsg400. More information can also be found at: Install Delaware Fee Tool Install Devonian Fee Tool 6 MB Program Presentation in PDF • FRAC-EXPLORE Version 2: FRAC-EXPLORE analyzes the characteristics and patterns of subsurface lineaments, fractures, and other geological features for the purpose of identifying the locations of potential subsurface oil and gas reservoirs. Developed at National Institute for Petroleum and Energy Research (NIPER) by BDM-Oklahoma, Inc.