
Vehicle Booking System


The Vehicle Booking System - or VBS – is a real-time appointment system used by hauliers wishing to deliver or collect containers at The Port of Felixstowe. The simple-to-use web-based system allows hauliers to select a time for their visit, enabling the Port to proactively manage customer demand, providing a faster turnaround. Vehicle Reservation System Product Sheet Page 1 Product Overview This is a sophisticated system for scheduling vehicle reservations for organizations that maintain their.

Online Vehicle Booking System Project Dfd

Dyna Bomb Blaster Game. Main Menu Registered Users Use of this site indicates that you accept these and the information is subject to a Welcome The Vehicle Booking System - or VBS – is a real-time appointment system used by hauliers wishing to deliver or collect containers at The Port of Felixstowe. The simple-to-use web-based system allows hauliers to select a time for their visit, enabling the Port to proactively manage customer demand, providing a faster turnaround. In addition, each time the haulier creates a new booking, VBS checks and confirms that the customer’s details are correct, thereby greatly reducing wasted journeys and expense caused by incorrect information. Registering for VBS is a simple process. Once registered, a haulier will be given their own unique account, where they can create and manage their haulier arrivals at the Port of Felixstowe on-line. Or Popular Functions [vbs.portoffelixstowe.co.uk] [Sessions: 54] Port of Felixstowe Vehicle Booking System v4.3.0.0.