
Late Night Political Jokes Updated Daily

Late Night Political Jokes Updated Daily

'She now admits there were no snipers, yeah. And today, Bill Clinton said, 'Hey, if I knew there weren't any snipers, I wouldn't have sent her there in the first place.'

' --Jay Leno 'No, Barack Obama will appear on 'The View' this Friday. Right, he thought his pastor was loud and opinionated.' --Jay Leno 'Have you seen New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson?

The latest political jokes by all of the latenight comedians, including Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, Conan OBrien, Updated August 11, 20172 days ago. Political cartoons by Michael Ramirez, humor, jokes, and pictures updated daily at Townhall.com. How Trump Supporters Trumped Jimmy Kimmel on Late Night TV. The latest political jokes by all of the late-night. Late-Night Political Jokes. 'White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer today left his daily press briefing.

He supported Barack. He's now got a mustache and a goatee. Analysts say he's trying to look more Hispanic, more ethnic. They say that's one of the reasons that Obama joined the Trinity Church with the radical minister, tried to appear more black. See, white politicians can't do that.

You can't try to be more white, you know. You don't see white politicians listening to Lawrence Welk, square dancing, eating Wonder Bread sandwiches, you know, hanging out with Michael Jackson, trying to be more white.' --Jay Leno 'I love this story.

I saw it in the paper today. Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer will explore whether he has an addiction to sex. Is sex really an addiction? Is it a disease? I mean, I've heard people call into work sick. Can you call in horny?' --Jay Leno 'And it's getting worse and worse for Governor Spitzer.

Serial Port Pic18f4550 Programming In C. Now, a Brazilian madam has come forward to say that Eliot Spitzer paid her to watch other couples have sex. You know, this whole thing could've been avoided if you put a peep hole in the lieutenant governor's office.' --Jay Leno 'Actually, more revelations coming out about the new governor of New York, David Paterson.

He now admits he did cocaine and marijuana. Now he comes up with that. So the first blind, black guy to be governor of New York has had a bunch of extramarital affairs, does coke and smokes dope. You sure he's governor? Doesn't he sound more like a blues singer?' --Jay Leno 'I like John McCain.

He looks like the guy who watches his Cadillac go through the car wash. He looks like the guy in the supermarket yelling into his cell phone, 'I'm in aisle three, Marge. I can't find the brownie mix.' ' --David Letterman. I find pay to play politics so funny, I can't think of comparable joke. Maybe you can.

Help us send a message to now defunct sex obsessed governor Spitzer by signing this petition: (It reads) 'In one of Eliot Spitzer's last scandalous actions on March 7, 2008, Brandon Sall; a haughty campaign donor to Spitzer's campaign with zero recognizable experience in either politics or transportation was bestowed an appointment to the New York State Thruway Board. We, the undersigned request that the appointment of Brandon R. Sall, a wholly unqualified party to the New York State Thruway, be refused by the New York Senate. We do not support pay to play politics.

It is our hope that current governor Paterson should appoint an individual of esteem, intellect and appropriate experience be appointed to the existing vacancy on the New York State Thruway Authority Board.