
Summer Days Visual Novel


Summer Days is an alternate universe prequel to the game School Days, set in the summer holidays just prior to the timeline of School Days. All the original. Shiny Days is a spinoff of the (in)famous Visual Novel School Days in which most of the yandere murder fun has been traded for backstabbing shenanigans and. 2 Harem Endings In Summer Days, most of the endings are devoted to Setsuna, Youko, and Kotonoha. Grizzly Tsc-10l Manual. School Days Visual Novel Endings Edit Bad Endings Edit.

In the school the three people met. Their relation had been changed in the season, and turned into three love stories.


Makoto has been admiring a girl he has seen on the train. That girl is Kotonoha Katsura, and he even managed to take a photo of her with his cell phone. Due to new seating in his class, he ends up next to Sekai Saionji, a nosy, but sweet and sincere girl. As she snoops for his cell phone while talking to him, she discovers his crush and vows to help him until Kotonoha agrees to go out with him. When Sekai finally gets them together, she realizes her own feelings after finding out that the person Kotonoha liked was, in fact, Makoto.

While waiting for her train next to Makoto, who was waiting for Kotonoha, she has him talking about how he can repay her for all of her help. Before leaving for her train, she kisses him and cries when she boards the way home. Kotonoha happily arrives for her date with Makoto shortly after. With all three main characters carrying different expressions on their faces, the story begins. – Fixed bug that was causing widescreen mode to use the wrong resolution. – Modified game to use a single CPU by default. This may significantly improve stability.

– Opening movies now play in every episode after the first. – Fixed bug where sound disappears until you delete config.dat. – Fixed bug where skipping scenes skips choices. – Patched bug where skipping traps you on a blank screen. If this bug would trigger, it will now return you to the script it left instead of sending you nowhere. – Fixed various scripting and textual issues, including missing subtitles and rogue Japanese text.

~~Hi+everyone!+troubleshooting’s+here+to+solve+your+problems+>>=Voice+Issue: Install+DirectX+again,+precisly,+you+need+both+D3DX9_43.dll,+D3DX9_42.dll+AND+(optional)+d3dx9_38.dll.+throw+then+in+game+folder. You+miss+these+files+in+your+DirectX+database,+using+Windows+XP/Vista+or+Windows+cant+find+these+files+in+your+PC =Start+Crashes: 1.+You+live+in+india/russia/some+other+country’s,+change+time+zone+to+american/mexico/england+and+time+to+00:00 2.+Your+are+running+windows+in+16+bit+color,+change+it+back+to+32+bit+color.

=Random+Crashes laggy+game: 1.This+>+2.Sound+driver+incompatible+update,+download+a+new+one,+try+to+play. 3.You+need+Japanese+App+locale+(haven’t+tested) 4.Play+as+administrator. =Download+Problems 1.+When+it+gets+99%,+it+crashes!>+use+another+web+browser,+or+download+in+another+partiton,+your+disk+is+with+badblock. Hi there everyone I have a very serious problem with the game and I tried to find a conclusion but after so many attempts I have failed.

So the problem is, I was playing school days fine and it was working for 3 days. But after I attempted to play it. It wouldn’t lanch, I attempted to uninstall but it said ”You are attempting to start at DVD-ROM” and nothing happens. So I attempted to unintstall from the application itself. I would let me uninstall but it wouldnt actually uninstall. After it ”uninstall” I would click install and it would pop out the uninstall button again. I would uninstall and then nothing would happen.

This repeats non-stop. So I decided to unmount the virtual drive and just completely delete the game from my laptop.

I redownloaded it again. And when I start the application. It would lead to the same screen. I would click game start and it wouldnt do notihng. I would uninstall and same problem.

I’m not sure if the game itself is still in my lap top. I went to control panel and tried to find it so i can uninstall. But it wasnt in there. If someone have any idea or solution of any kind. Please do let me know asap.