
Synology Wins Server Setup


Yes, follow these instructions: But here are some amended settings (remember to remove wins server from the config file if you are going to turn on wins support): 7. Advent Subwoofer Manualdownload Free Software Programs Online. 3.3 Setting Up Samba as a WINS Server You can set up Samba as a WINS server by setting two global options in the configuration file, as shown below: [global] wins support = yes name resolve order = wins lmhosts hosts bcast The wins support option turns Samba into a WINS server. Believe it or not, that's all you need to do!

Find Synology Server

Your PC is using the Windows server as its DNS server. You have no record in your Windows DNS server for the 'Diskstation' host. You Windows DNS server is not setup to forward unknown requests to the router. Therefor any machine that requests a name lookup for the 'Diskstation' host from the Window DNS server isn't going to get an. For Home - Free. NAS - Open Source Storage Operating System. NAS is designed to protect your files with enterprise- level security features.

Synology Wins Server