
Practical Driving Test Tips Parallel Parking

Practical Driving Test Tips Singapore

• Seek out a space you feel comfortable that you can safely get your car into without crunching into another car. Drive around the block until you find a larger gap if you need to; you will need a space that's several feet longer than your car. • Check your rearview mirror and driver-side mirror as you approach the space to ensure another car is not riding on your tail. Signal toward the space as you approach it, slow down, and stop. If another motorist rides up on your rear, simply maintain your position and keep signaling. You might even need to roll down your window and wave the other driver around; they might not have realized you're trying to park.

Few driving tasks are as intimidating as parallel parking. Many new motorists have failed an otherwise perfect driving test on this. And remember—practice makes. More Practical Driving Test Tips Parallel Parking videos.

• Line up your vehicle with the parked vehicle directly in front of your desired spot. Don't get too close on the side, or you might scrape the other car when you make your move. But you also don't want to be too far away―two or three feet will suffice. Position your vehicle parallel to the parked car, aligning your bumpers. • Check your surroundings.

Use all your mirrors and check your blind spots for cars, bicyclists and pedestrians BEFORE you begin to reverse your car. • Put your vehicle in reverse. Look over your other shoulder at the space to assess the gap.

• Release the brakes and slowly begin backing into the turn. • Turn the steering wheel when you see the front car's back bumper.

When your back axel is aligned with the front car's bumper, turn your steering wheel all the way to the right (assuming you're parking on the right-hand side of the road). • Reverse until your car is at a 45-degree angle. Then, t urn your steering wheel in the opposite direction. Celebrity Lookalike Program.