
Oracle 9i Express Edition For Windows 7 64 Bit

Oracle 9i Express Edition  For Windows 7 64 Bit

I often wonder why some things can be made so difficult for users. People consistently tell me that has long as Oracle is involved, installation is going to be a pain. But some things never change. Anyway, I figured that most Windows 7 64bit machine users would face this error when they attempt to install the Oracle Database XE 11g. “The installer is unable to instantiate the file C: Users KEY_XE.reg.

This file does not appear to exist.” Fear not my fellow homo sapiens. Just follow these steps and rejoice. With the error message box still open, click the Windows start button and type “regedit” in the search box. The registry editor will open. On the left column, expand the folders as follows: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT ->Installer ->Products ->266B7A. ->SourceList->Program English Translator. Media 3.

Look for ‘1’ under Name on the right column. Under ‘Data’ on the same row, the value should be ‘DISK 1’ or something similar. Youtube Er Addon For Mozilla Firefox. Instructions For Casio G Shock Es. Right click on that row and click on ‘Modify’.