
Microsoft Calibri Font


Weird problem. I have an Access 2007 db that I have developed on my WIndows 7 Home Premium (64 bit)machine that has a HP Deskjet printer and my reports are all using Calibri font. All looks and prints as expected. Unfortunately my customer is running XP and Vista machines (32 bit) and even though the reports show Calibri font in print preview the printers will not print in that font??? It gets changed to what appears to be Arial. Contact Form In Html With Captcha Code.

This then cuts off text in all my text boxes/labels. What is even weirder is that Word and or Excel, on the customers machine, will indeed print preview and print in Calibri with no problems. They too are using HP Printers.

So.WTH is going on??? How do I fix this??? Is this a printer driver problem?? Is this an Access 2007 problem?? I did have to change one of my VBA references from Microsoft Active X Data Object 2.8 Library to 2.7 so that the application will actually work on their machines, but. Is this the problem?? Even if the customer changes their default printer to the Microsoft XPS Document writer default printer, the same problem occurs.

Calibri Font Family