
Google Voice Plugin


Patch Rf Offline Red Army here. The Google Voice Widget plugin allows WordPress sites to add a Google Voice Widget to anyplace they have widgetized on their site. Also, more features to come soon! Feature List: Version.01 * Basic cut and paste Google code snippet to activate widget * Single widget for use Version.02 * Added Do Not Disturb Function - 7 days and 24 hours * Added Customizable Call Me badge - Text or HTML Version.021 * Fixed a path name bug. Version 0.2 * Bug Fix: Dates and times for the DND feature are now recalled correctly in the user interface Version 0.2.2 * Bug Fix: tinyMCE editor for the DND HTML text area input (Settings ->CallMe) now works in IE8 Author Contributors, MikeRosile Tags,. How to install the plugin and get it working. • Upload uncompressed gvwidget folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or upload from WordPress.org Extend directory via the 2. Version Of Bitdefender Antivirus here. 8+ version interface. • Activate plugin.

Google Voice Plugin Download

Paste generated code snippet from your Google Voice Widget generator into the Google Voice Plugin settings page. Optionally, add text or HTML to the widget. Counter Strike 1.6 High Fps Models.