
Embed Pygame In Qt


Pygame embedded in wxPython. A demo showing how to embed Pygame in wxPython applications. New to pygame just wondering how i would go about adding a background image into the game itself? This is my code so far. How to add a background image into pygame?

Embed Pygame In Qt

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Hi guys this is the problem I have installed python 2.7 and pygame 1.9 in a windows 7 32 bin When I use pygame with the python interpeter there is no problem it works fine Then for the line import pygame no problem with console or calling python and the filename But I want to embed this in a c++ project compiled with mingw32. When I import other packages like cv2 or numpy no problem but in the case of pygame I have this error ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. Does anybody knows where is the problem?

A lot of thanks.