
Best Card Board Games 2011

Best Card Board Games For Adults

As I type this, snow is falling outside my window. It must be getting close to the end of the year! And we all know what that means – it’s time for our end of the year wrap up! Starting today, and every weekday in December, Gamezebo will be posting up a retrospective on the year that was. Today we look back at some of the top card and board games that made their way to the digital world.

The 9 best card games (that aren't Hearthstone). What sets it apart: A living board that you and your opponent build over the course of the game. But enough of my rambling! Here are Gamezebo’s picks for the Best Board and Card Games of 2011; #5 – Kard Combat (iPhone, iPad) Customizable card games are a.

I suppose “made their way” to the digital world might be something of a poor description. While there were plenty of great board games that exist in the real world to be adapted to digital platforms this year, there were also some terrific board and card games that were born digitally. Today’s retrospective has a good mix of both. Our only rule of thumb was that these board and card games could exist in the real world, so if a game had a healthy mix of impossible elements like match-3, for example, it didn’t make the cut. But enough of my rambling! Here are Gamezebo’s picks for the Best Board and Card Games of 2011; #5 – (iPhone, iPad) Customizable card games are a blast to play online.

In fact, they’re so fun that two of them have ended up on this list (no peeking! You’ll get to the other one soon enough). Kard Combat proved to be such a good example of this fact that when it first came across my desk back in July, I found myself in daily matches with total strangers for more than a month.

Players will play cards in one of six slots, and these cards will deal damage to the cards in the slots directly across from them. Find an empty slot and deal the damage directly to your opponent. It’s as simple as that – until you factor in all of the wonderfully unique abilities possessed by each and every card.

Offering a robust single player campaign, fantastic online multiplayer, and a freemium twist that lets you unlock more decks at will, Kard Combat is a truly well-rounded package that any Magic-loving gamer shouldn’t be without. Speaking of which, did we mention it was co-designed by Magic: The Gathering creator Richard Garfield? #4 – (iPhone, iPad) “You got Risk in my Scrabble! Blood Bros Arcade Game. ” “You got Scrabble in my Risk!” Quarrel Deluxe is one of those rare games that takes two existing concepts, mashes them together, and creates something wonderfully new and unique. Players in Quarrel command an army that’s trying to take over different territories on a map, just like in Risk. But victory isn’t determined by a dice roll – it’s determined by spelling! You’ll be given a collection of letters – each with a point value like in Scrabble – and you’ll be tasked with building the highest point value word you can. Your opponent with do the same, and the army with the best word will win the land.

The game gets points off for its lack of real world multiplayer, but the great AI more than manages to make up for this one sore spot in an otherwise brilliant little word game. #3 – (iPhone, iPad) Ever since Dominion introduced tabletop gamers to the world of deckbuilding back in 2008, game designers have been inspired to put together their own spin on the popular mechanic. These games have one other thing in common, too; none of them are on the App Store. Not even Dominion. So when one of the most beloved deck-building games hit mobile’s most beloved platform, it was hard not to get excited.